Florentine Evening (Sun)

Wash down another great Italian MotoGP with buckets of beautiful Chianti wine and slabs of the best steak on the planet at our traditional Sunday night winding down dinner! This is a very traditional "locals" Florentine steakhouse (veggies catered for!) where the waiters hardly speak a word of English - we love it! You are more than welcome to join us after dinner as we continue to enjoy the local wines, grappa (and they have a surprisingly good selection of malt whisky!). The restaurant is walking distance to the Superior package hotel; we will organise transport for customers at other locations. Price includes table wine/beer/soft drinks, meal and transport there. Post-prandial drinks are on a cash basis! A free grappa to anyone who catches the MotoGP reference in the trattoria's name! ALWAYS sells out, we can fit just 50 people in our private garden room!

experience provided by
Event Entry - Food & Drink - Non-Package Customer
€100 £84

Dinner and drinks at traditional trattoria. Includes transport from our hotels (walking distance from some)
Admit 1 person
EUR 50 for children under 16 yrs at event

Event Entry - Food & Drink - Package Customer
€75 £63

Dinner and drinks at traditional trattoria. Includes transport from our hotels (walking distance from some)
Admit 1 person
EUR 35 for children under 16 yrs at event

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