Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix High Octane Club

The legendary “MG corner” at turn 10 is the top action spot on the track!
Feel the suspense as riders appear into view, cresting Lukey Heights and descending with hard breaking, suspension compressed and fire Into the right hander.
Our package includes:
- Full hot buffet lunch, morning and afternoon tea
- Beer, wine, cider, sparkling, soft drink, tea and percolated coffee
- Outdoor viewing area with garden tables and chairs
And with all our hospitality products, you have a Pole Position Travel guide on hand, ensuring you get the most of the experience!
UPGRADE to our Team Experience
- unlimited 3 day paddock access & private garage visit
This is not just a paddock pass but an insider's experience.

experience provided by
High Octane Club - Standard - 3 Day

3 days hospitality in the High Octane club. Great action views over Lukey Heights into turn 10. Includes buffet lunch, bar, and outdoor viewing area & PPT guide.
Tickets valid 3 days (unless noted) and admit 1 person Prices subject to change, based on 2023
no child rate