Valencia End of Season Wrap-Up Dinner (Sunday)

We take over a classic Galician restaurant to celebrate both the end of a great weekend and toast the new world champions. On top of the beer and wine, we sample Galician Queimada from the flaming cauldron brought in for the occasion. The meal is delightful, and after the usual rounds of thanks and congratulations to our sponsored riders the evening devolves into warm and happy haze... Anyone still standing is invited to join us for a little bit of a pub crawl later -- we have been known to end up at the riders' party! We provide the transport from each of our package hotels to the event. Price includes food, transport there and table wine/beer. Included with Deluxe package, other package guests may book at discount.

experience provided by
Event Entry - Closing party
€100 £83

Superb Galician meal, wine and a few familiar faces. Lots of fun!
Admit 1 person
EUR 85 for children

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